GNS3 2.2.15 is out. Not much to report . . . reviewing the release notes indicates thi is mostly bug fixes.
This version doesn’t include a security fix, and the bug fixes aren’t issues I’ve run into.
My personal experience with GNS3 has been that most upgrades go without a hitch. I usually just go for it, but I’m not typically dependent on GNS3 from day to day. Note that gns3-gui and gns3-server have to be the exact same version. If for some reason you upgrade one, you either have to roll back or upgrade the other.
On Windows, just download the executable and run it. On Ubuntu, sudo apt upgrade. If you have a server VM (and I recommend it), start by getting a snapshot of your current server. I once had a server upgrade go poorly that resulted in rebuilding my VM, so this is a realistic risk. After that, log into the server and you can kick-off the upgrade from the menu.
I ran into an issue upgrading the server side - docker-ce was missing a dependency. To resolve, I dropped down the shell and used docker’s instructions for installing on an Ubuntu host.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
After that, I rebooted and re-initiated the upgrade to 2.2.15 and everything worked. The experience reiterates my point that GNS3 server upgrades sometimes have problems that can easily knock you off your game for a few days. Make sure you have a good backup before upgrading, or that you are not under time pressure.