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Biz card

by Brent Stewart on Wednesday, Oct 25, 2023

One of the guys on Jupiter Broadcasting spoke about a curl-able business card and I thought, “Gotta try it”.

A little searching led me to an example - the card of Bryan Jenks. I used Bryan’s work as a template. Here’s what my finished version looks like.

My curlable business card

The basic concept is simple enough - put a slug of text on a web server and anyone can curl it. Following Bryan’s example, I’m using console escape codes to provide color. Here’s a few I find useful.

Table: Console escape codes
Esc Effect Esc Color
[0m Plain text [30m Black
[1m bold [31m Red
[2m dim [32m Green
[4m underscore [33m Gold
[5m blink [34m Blue
[7m reverse [35m Magenta
[36m Cyan
[37m White

You’ll notice from the screen shot that I was able to test this with Hugo’s built-in server. I want to deploy this publicly though, so I went to and took the long URL and shortened it to

The hardest part of this short project was getting the spacing to work out. There’s no magic, just testing, adjusting, and retesting. Not the most useful project, but it has a certain geek-cred. To access the card, just use curl.

curl -sL


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